A global community of your peers

IPI members build their investment and wealth management acumen through a mix of in-person and online resources.  

By joining the Institute for Private Investors, you become part of the pre-eminent community for ultra-affluent private investors and families in North America.

Membership in IPI
To qualify for membership you must have a minimum of $30 million in assets and one of the following:
• UHNW Principal
• Family of Substantial Wealth
• Family Office Executive
• Private Investor
IPI is a peer-to-peer network and membership serving the Ultra-High-Net-Worth Community.

Qualified and Interested in Membership?  Click below for more information and to start the IPI membership process!

IPI Background - What We’re About!

  • Founded in 1992 – We're celebrating over 30 years of helping the world's leading families!
  • Member-focused with two goals in mind:
    • Educate Members to become better stewards of their personal wealth.
    • Provide a network environment in which members learn from collective experience and build lasting legacies.
  • An exclusive peer-to-peer network and membership community.
    • Our members have a minimum of $30 million in assets and are a:
      • UHNW Principal
      • Family of Substantial Wealth
      • Family Office Executive
      • Private Investor
    • Membership is by invitation only, ensuring a community of carefully vetted, like-minded peers.
  • Trust and Confidentiality
    • Members enjoy a safe harbor, non-solicitous environment.
  • World class wealth management education

IPI Membership Breakdown / Statistics

  • Minimum of $30 million in assets
  • Average holdings of over $300 million in liquid assets
  • Over 48% of our membership have been members of IPI for 10 years or more.

IPI Access

As a member engage in:

  • A Membership Community of UHNW peers.
  • A Safe Harbor and confidential network and learning environment built on a foundation of trust
  • Best in Class Learning Calendar of Events
  • Regional and Local Workshops and Social Events
  • Targeted Co-investment Roundtables and Opportunities
  • Next Generation Event Programs
  • Women & Wealth Initiative
  • AI Event Series
  • Memberlink® Online Community
  • Campden Wealth’s World Class Research and Reporting including The Global Family Office Report and Family Business Report Family

IPI Membership Opportunities

Members of IPI get full access to dozens of events across the United States, Europe, Asia, and India.

Decide the who will engage in the IPI experience:

  • Individual – Principal Wealth Holder Only
  • Family – Principal Wealth Holders, Family Members and Family Office Executives (up to two people per event)

Click below to Apply for Membership and begin the enrollment process:

Contact me
What Members Say...
"In addition to gratitude, one of other strongest contributors leading to happiness is a sense of belonging to a community. I have to say that [IPI has] created an extraordinary community within IPI and I benefit from it by a large multiple of what I bring to it. Thanks for all you do."
"Discretion and anonymity are two of the key reasons that I enjoy my membership to IPI."

What Members Say...

The exchange with professionals and investors at IPI has been important in better defining our philosophy towards investing and wealth management.
– IPI member since 2005

I value the opportunity to network with others of similar net worth and issues . It's a great "self help" group minus Dr Phil.
– IPI member since 1993

For me the most valuable part of IPI Membership being part of a community of people who share a common interest.  
– IPI member since 2005

What I can say easily and without too much effort is that IPI was a lifeline for me when my family office was created: it provided a foundation of important information that gave us confidence, ambition, vision  and the comfort of knowing that we were not the only people who needed and wanted a community of support. In addition, Charlotte's incredibly dedicated and enthusiastic leadership of this new and growing family office world at the time  was transformational for so many of us. And she lead us with grace and humour...who can forget her jokes and party games!!
– IPI member since 1995

We are all lucky to have been a part of IPIs longtime success. 
– IPI member since 1992

IPI creates a safe environment for learning about investing
– IPI member since 2002

IPI has changed the game for private wealth holders by allowing them to freely and safely congregate and discuss the issues they are facing. The goal is always wisdom when it comes to managing significant wealth, and scores of families have found it at IPI sessions over the past twenty-five years.
– IPI member since 1992

The financial education that I received from my membership over the last twenty years has been invaluable, and has enabled me to make better decisions and implement strategies that have helped provide stronger returns.  In addition, the information exchange and friendships created over the years has been invaluable.
– IPI member since 1996

IPI creates an environment where members can share and learn from each other from managing family dynamics to co-investment opportunities. The ability to talk with other families makes IPI membership a valuable component of our wealth education plan. 
– IPI member since 2015

IPI provides an unparalleled variety and quality of speakers that are informative and engaging while sharing their research and ideas.  IPI events are always well organized in depth and breadth to always walk away with actionable next steps.  
– IPI member since 2015

I will be forever grateful to IPI for grounding me in investment knowledge, helping instill discernment and rational thinking, and exposing me to some of the key thinkers in the investment arena—all in a safe environment.
– IPI member since 2020

I have enjoyed the ability to “give back” to the IPI community as much as I have benefitted from others sharing their knowledge and experiences with me.
– IPI member since 2011

I will always cherish the relationships and community I have developed through my membership in IPI. 
– IPI member since 2000

I believe that there is a lesson to be learned from everyone and everything that I experience. Sharing the lessons that I learned in the decades following our liquidity event helped me persevere and confirmed my belief that the challenges we experienced were bigger than us.

Being on the advisory faculty of IPI enabled me to cultivate friendships with advisors that were not based on a financial relationship.
– IPI member since 1992

Sharing my family narrative in 1992 about our need to focus on family dynamics before we could really focus on asset was a previously unheard of practice.  Throughout the last 25 years, IPI  has created a unique community which fosters mutual support and learning among its membership.
– IPI member since 1992

IPI, and especially the destination trips, provided a unique opportunity to develop friendships which enabled us to celebrate and commiserate over shared business and  personal successes and challenges.
– IPI member since 1992

IPI provides a safe environment to interact and learn from others who face similar issues. Investing, managing a family office, resolving next generation issues and succession planning - just to name a few. IPI brings together the wealth of experience from its members and the professional expertise from the street. Thank you for all of that.
– IPI member since 1994

Our family has really enjoyed the long membership in IPI.  IPI was instrumental in bridging the gap for my parents as they went from owner/operators of a business to stewards of investing money.  IPI was also incredibly valuable to me as a G2 member and successor.  From the Wharton program to the many IPI forums, the network and education has had a tremendous impact on my journey of engaging in  the family dynamics as well as the business side of our Family Office.
– IPI member since 2007

For over a decade, IPI has been the place where I share and receive actionable ideas from speakers and like-minded members. These ideas have provided enormous social, intellectual and financial value to my family. IPI has been a wonderful home for me to meet existing investor friends, make new investor friends in addition to learning about many investor topics over the years.
– IPI member since 2001

Last year was the first time that I attended a Campden event abroad and I encourage other IPI members when they travel to see if they can attend one as well. You gain an international perspective by talking to family offices overseas.
– IPI member since 2006

When we first joined IPI we were just starting our family office.  IPI jettisoned us along in our journey much faster than doing it on our own.  Thank you IPI!

As a multi year member, IPI keeps our interest high with varied and fresh content thereby assisting in maintaining our edge in an ever changing industry and markets.  Thank you IPI!
– IPI member since 2010

The thing I've gained the most is a network of folks to exchange ideas about portfolio construction, managers and due diligence experience.

Another is the perspective talking to other families of where our family is in the generational cycle, and where the challenges will be as we continue forward. 
– IPI member since 1994

It's definitely the people - the other families and members. There are few places like IPI where I have found an Ivory Snow group of people for exchanging ideas, manager tips, brainstorm, shared issues, etc. Typically, solution providers are there to sell a product, commit to a new fund, or bill consulting services that always have some imbedded conflict of interest. It is rare and special to have a place to find others having the same challenges and learn how we solve them in either the same of different ways. Sometimes it is just listening and figuring out how to step back and think about something differently.
– IPI member since 1994

IPI has been essential to me as a family office principal and professional. The events at IPI got me excited about the potential my family and others have to bless their members and communities. The family members and employees – past and present - of IPI have been exceptionally generous with their time and experiential learning making me a more effective leader and servant. And the Wharton program was simply the hardest, yet most complete and fun, education I experienced since business school, and it equipped me academically to be an effective investor. It’s fair to say that I would not be where I am personally or professionally without IPI.
– IPI member since 2003

As a member for all of the 25 years of IPI I have probably averaged a talk a year on a wide variety of topics, mostly related to investments.  Each talk was new and different.  Preparing those talks (about 15-20 hours per talk) caused me to think deeply and carefully about each topic; it clarified my thinking and enforced a high standard of seriousness.  In effect, I was teaching myself in advance of explaining to others.  The high attendance and member’s enthusiastic comments was overwhelmingly positive.  I credit Charlotte for allowing me the privilege and encouraging me consistently for so many years.
– IPI member since 2003

What would you highlight as most valuable to you with your IPI membership? I leave the conference with a different perspective and new ideas all the time.

What have you gained the most as an IPI member since you joined? I have gained confidence and refinement in my approach to investing.
– IPI member since 2000

Your organization truly understands and respects wealth and the myriad of issues that it entails and it takes that understanding to provide REAL value to all the members through education, the listserv, the forums, and personal relationships.
– IPI member since 1993

Where would so many of us be without your vision of a "safe harbor"? And where indeed would many Advisors be without the incredible amount of intellectual capital that you have delivered to them in the waters of the safe harbor? I can point to all of the key investment decisions (at least the good ones) that I have made over the past 14 years and virtually every one of them can be somehow tied to what I have gained from IPI. Thank you!
– IPI member since 1992

Discretion and anonymity are two of the key reasons that I enjoy my membership to IPI.
– IPI member since 2007

[IPI] provide[s] a well-balanced mix of technical, practical, and family dynamic information. I am discovering IPI to be a safe venue in which to discuss the issues and benefits surrounding wealth. I realize that the greatest benefits come from a group of people who are willing to share their experiences.
– IPI member since 2013

You can probably tell by the high email traffic how much all of us depend on IPI as we thrash around in this chaotic situation. I can never thank [IPI] enough for creating an atmosphere where I can get unbiased advice from people facing exactly my same situation. [IPI has] had an immense beneficial influence over more families than [IPI] can possibly know.
– IPI member since 2014

I will never be one to spend my life studying the nuances of finance, but the IPI meetings have given me the knowledge and education to know the questions to ask and to locate the resources that are available.
– IPI member since 1999

I would not be able to do what was entrusted to me by my dad without the education, interaction and fun provided by IPI.
– IPI member since 2002

In addition to gratitude, one of other strongest contributors leading to happiness is a sense of belonging to a community. I have to say that [IPI has] created an extraordinary community within IPI and I benefit from it by a large multiple of what I bring to it. Thanks for all you do.
– IPI member since 2015


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